Hey everybody, just wanted to share with you all:
All The Rage Ezine is the scrapbook forecasting, trend reporting and news ezine. We are now accepting layouts for our sketch column. Simply choose one of these sketches and submit your creation to us. We will accept single-page and double page layouts in any form, i.e. traditional, digital and/or mixed media.
So if you want to see your interpretation of our sketch in the electronic magazine, then please send a scan or digital picture (no larger than 72dpi) to our editorial staff at alltherageezine@madaboutscrapbooks.com, subject: May Sketches.
Each submission must include your name, address, telephone number, email address, the size of your page, and any a list of supplies used. Please also include any special tips or techniques that were used in creating your project.
It is important to note that any submitted creation must be original and not previously published - either in print or anywhere on the Internet.
Please note that because we receive a large volume of submissions, we will not be able to acknowledge every submission. If we select your submission for publication, we will contact you for further details. Each designer will receive a complimentary copy in which their artwork is showcased.
The deadline has been extended until April 30, 2007; these are the sketches: