Monday, April 21, 2008
The Gauntlet at Scrapperie
Do you want to participate in an exciting new scrapbooker's challenge for a chance to win some great prizes and maybe even become a Très Chic Girl? To celebrate our first anniversary, Scrapperie will be hosting a new contest to get your creative juices flowing! The contest, called The Gauntlet, will be completed in seven challenge-filled stages and will run from May 1-June 30, when the Grand Prize winner is announced.

Starting on Sunday, April 27, those interested in participating in The Gauntlet must submit one layout into The Gauntlet Gallerie and sign in on the Scrapperie forums. Anyone interested in participating has until 11:59 PM CST on May 3 to sign up and enter an initial layout into the Gallerie. The initial layout may be something previously made, published, etc- it should just showcase your best work. (Any project from that point on needs to be never before seen and specifically made for The Gauntlet's challenges.) Sorry, but any projects submitted to this contest must be primarily paper based. No all digital layouts will be accepted. Hybrid layouts are welcome, but it must be obvious that the layout is mostly tangible products.

Prizes will include a Grand Prize package valued at over $75 and a position as a Très Chic Girl for the upcoming term (July-October). First place is a prize package valued at over $50. Second place's prize package is valued over $35 and third place's prize package is valued over $25. Other prizes may be awarded at the judges' discretion. Everyone entering the challenge will have chances to win Scrapperie gift certificates for the Boutique.

The Gauntlet's winner will be determined by a non-biased panel of judges. Projects will be judged on creativity, originality, design and how closely each challenge is followed. Please come visit Scrapperie's contest forum for complete rules and details of The Gauntlet.

If you're stuck in a rut and wanting to win some great prizes, come play along in Scrapperie's Gauntlet!

Sunday, April 06, 2008
Great Gatsby! I've been tagged!
Ok, I've not done one of these before, so I am hoping I do it right- LOL!

Here's how this is supposed to work:

  • Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. (I was tagged by BOTH Amy and Michele !!)
  • Post the rules of the tagging on your blog.
  • Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog.
  • Let each person they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven totally random facts about me:

  • I totally love the movies Closer, The Notebook, Super Troopers and Super Bad. I could watch them over and over and over.
  • I like all sorts of music- anything from my favorite (Pearl Jam) to Mozart and anything in between. I'm also a huge fan of techno. Anything with a bass-y beat and I'm good.
  • I'm a sucker for a good bottle of wine and any kind of pasta dinner.
  • I'm fluent in French- a little rusty, but still fluent.
  • Jeff and I hated each other in high school Most people that we see from back in those days cannot believe we got married. We just laugh.
  • I've always wanted to travel around the world- seeing little known places and eating weird, exotic foods. (Uhm, no bugs. No beans.)
  • When I'm upset and need some time alone, I go to the Lake to think. It's the only place where I can hear myself.

Ok, so I am running out of people in my little Scrapperie circle of friends because they were all tagged before me. So, I am choosing Janet, Marie, Megan, Robin, Robyn, Shannon & Sue
